In the final addition to our COVID Challenges series, pharma and logistics experts discussed the future of the industry. Watch this webinar on demand here.


Navigating the pandemic has been a challenge for all aspects of pharma, but as discussed in our previous webinars, the industry has adapted positively. Now, looking forward, our panel of experts will debate the possibilities waiting to be seized by forward-thinking leadership. They will tackle the following points:


– How the COVID-19 pandemic has taught the logistics industry to overcome challenges and build strategies for future resilience

– Why integrating sustainability into logistics – from production lines and manufacturing to last-mile distribution, is important for the pharma supply chain

– How collaboration can shape future supply chains that encourage long-term resilience

– If sustainability can become an asset for pharma and ensure companies can evolve both now and in the future

– Whether smart packaging solutions can assist in the increasingly complex world of cold chain distribution processes while minimising costs and ensuring compliance

– How the lessons learnt from COVID-19 will set new industry standards in cold chain distribution, logistics, and manufacturing


This webinar took place in February 2022. Click the link to watch now.